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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  June 20, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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it is what they hate about us. we might as well live up to our own ideals. i'm fareed zakaria. thank you for watching. chilling new information about the orlando shooter and breaking news from capitol hill on guns. plus a trump campaign bombshell. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. in 911 calls during the rampage while he was killing 49 people, he claimed to be an islamic soldier and warned of more attacks to come. >> the killer of 49 and shooter of 53 others identified himself as an islamic soldier who pledged allegiance to an islamic organization bent on killing. >> 55% of americans say in a
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brand new poll they want stricter gun laws. plus donald trump fires campaign manager corey lewandowski. insiders say the candidate's children convinced him to give him the ax. and top adviser michael caputo after mocking him, "ding dong the witch is dead." what is going on here? >> this is huge news for the trump campaign and the former campaign manager, corey lewandowski, and trump spoke just a short time ago on "o'reilly." >> so one of your advisers, corey lewandowski, he's out. what happened? >> he's a good man, we've had great success. i got more primary votes than anybody in the history of the republican party by a tremendous amount, not by a little bit.
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i think corey's terrific. i watched him before. he was terrific before me, said i was a talented person and he's a talented person. he's a good guy, he's a friend of mine. but i think it's time now for a different kind of a campaign. we ran a small, beautiful, well-unified campaign. it worked very well in the primaries. with corey, i'm really proud of him. he did a great job but we're going to go a little bit of a different route from this point forward. >> i mean, it's almost like nothing happened. that was very positive, don't you think? >> it is great. >> everything's great. is that part of the problem? don't you think it sounded like nothing happened? >> yes, i do. and i think that he was reacting to, in fact, we both were told that he was very well aware and actually watched the interview that i did with corey lewandowski today and, you know, i think that's classic vintage donald trump. he saw how loyal corey remained to him and how positive and
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affirmative and, you know, effusive he was still, even just a couple of hours after he got fired as campaign manager. and he was returning the favor. >> you got the big scoop today. i could not take my eyes off the interview as i was getting ready. let's listen to this. >> from your perspective, what happened? why were you fired? >> i don't know. i don't know the answer to that, but what i know is what we've been able to achieve in this election cycle has been historic. you know, we had a candidate who in june of last year announced he was going to run for president with no elected office experience in a field of 16 other people in the race plus him, who has gone on to something historic, to get almost 14 million votes and fundly changes way people look at politics. i'm proud to have been a small part of that. >> sources i talked to said they described you as a hot head and that you just didn't treat people right. what do you say to that? >> look, i think i'm a very
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intense person. and my expectation is perfection because i think that's what mr. trump deserves. i think he deserves the very best because he has put his life and his fortune into this campaign, spending tens of millions of dollars to go do something that he didn't need to do. he's had a great life but he wants to change the country for the better. and i see how hard here has worked on this campaign. he works 18, 19, 20 hours a day consistently. >> but my question is about you. >> i understand. because leadership starts at the top. and i see what he's put into the campaign. when i see someone who i don't think is working as hard as the person who is funding the campaign, who's the campaign principal, meaning the candidate, yeah, that bothers me. >> first of all, let's get to he doesn't know why he was fired? >> he knows why he was fired. >> as i was watching and let's just be honest here, as i was listening, he sounded like the same talking points from the
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trump surrogates that come on, which are many times really bad talking points. the campaign gets upset with me because they say why won't you just let some of these things go? because it's terrible. they have terrible answers. his answers were terrible. were the surrogates' talking points change? was he in charge of the talking points for the surrogates? >> yes, he was. >> then maybe it will change now. >> i'm not so sure the surrogates going on television actually got a lot of talking points and we heard from some of them, which was part of the problem. look, the fact that he was on these talk points, the fact he continued to say over and over again how wonderful the campaign was, to me -- i actually said this to him at one point, what planet are you on? you just got fired and you're the campaign manager, it means things clearly are not going that well. you know, when you comes --
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>> the answer was not 14 million votes. the answer was not 14 million votes. >> and he should be commended for steering donald trump through a process that was unprecedented. and now it's a different ball game and trump himself said he needed someone else in the general election. >> his answers were so easy to say it is time for the campaign to evolve past what i can do for the campaign. >> he did kind of say that. i think everybody on the planet has an ego. when you're running a presidential campaign and you abruptly get fired, you know, it's hard to kind of admit that. but i think any other reading of this would be, you know, crazy and fantasy land. >> so the children had a lot to do with this, especially ivanka, cnn was told.
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and then either it was him or me? we're hearing it was similar to that. >> we don't exactly know what the conversation was between the father and daughter. we do know that his children are actively involved in the campaign. we do know jared kushner is actively involved in the campaign and that is ivanka trump's husband. very successful person in new york city. corey lewandowski was not able to take the campaign from this primary victory and expand it into a general election. when paul manafort was brought into this campaign, comes in and wants to take the trump campaign to the next level, you have a power struggle at the top. in many ways, you would have thought corey lewandowski could have stayed on. why couldn't donald trump find a
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place for him in the campaign? but you have these two heads clashing together. it's basically manafort saying it's me or him basically. >> so is that what really going on here? >> yes. what i was told about ivanka trump, it want so much as an ultimatum, but that their conversation was the culmination of a lot of conversations that she and her brothers had with each other, with their father, which led to this point. but to your point about paul manafort, who is now going to be running the show, who increasingly got more and more power in the campaign versus corey lewandowski, it certainly was a personality clash but more importantly a strategy clash. you need to let trump be trump. and manafort says, no, he's got
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to be more presidential and that was the clash inside the campaign. >> and here's the prove. monmouth university poll out today shows hillary clinton leading him by 7 points. other polls give her an even wider lead. that was part of the reason. his poll numbers were sinking because of all the mistakes that were being made in the last couple weeks of the campaign. >> look, someone very loyal to donald trump said to me today, lessen, the kids watch tv, okay? the kids read the newspapers. this has been a taeshl two or three weeks for donald trump. if he can't turn it around in a couple of weeks, then it's over. these outside groups are spending money to define who donald trump is. we saw joe biden attack him on foreign policy. >> there's a whole host of people. >> and they're going to keep on. and you know what? he's got no money. >> that's what i wanted to ask you. he's having trouble organizing,
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getting speak esersspeakers, ra. what's going on with that? >> we have these new numbers coming out that show a big part of the problem that corey lewandowski was in charge of, which was the fund-raising, raised only $3.1 million and had $2.2 million in loans but more importantly it's cash on hand, $1.3 million cash on hand. >> and you said that's peanuts. >> put that in perspective. if you're running a house race, you're have more than $1.3 million in the bank. he's running for president of the united states. he says he has the money but is he willing to spend that money? we haven't seen a tv ad yet. >> he can self-campaign -- >> he'd have to sell buildings and that's another question in terms of whether or not he's liquid enough in terms of finances. corey said he's doing a lot of
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fund-raisers and he's raising a lot of money now. but the fact that he doesn't have money, that the infrastructure wasn't there but most importantly, donors, i'm told and i'm sure you are as well, were so reluctant to give. they felt the campaign infrastructure was a mess and is a mess and the rhetoric. >> i mean, when i listened to him today, you said he's in denial and i wonder if he put donald trump in denial as well, if he was the voice in his head saying, no, no, no, everything's fine, you're going to do great. >> that is what i heard and i'm sure you've heard as well that one of many concerns and criticisms of about corey lewandowski at the helm is that he was with donald trump all the time, all the time. and he was with him on the plane. i asked corey, that they had a plan in case that corey would get in there and undercut the strategy. he denied it but he also made pretty clear to me today that he
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supported what trump said about the judge, who he called mexican, who was actually born in indiana, he supported doubling down on the muslim ban. two of the biggest blunders from the perspective of most of trump's fellow republicans in the last several weeks. >> that interview was very telling. he tried to skirt around it but it said a lot. what he didn't say spoke volumes. thank you very much. i appreciate it. when we come right back, the man who went from running against donald trump to supporting him, dr. ben carson is here to weigh in on the turmoil in the trump campaign. don't go away. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european.
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my next guest has a unique perspective on this. he has seen donald trump's campaign from both sides. now he supports trump. dr. ben carson. good to see you again. thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> the firing of corey lewandowski, was it the right thing to do, dr. carson? >> virtually every campaign involves. my campaign evolves. there are people who are good at certain thing to get to a certain point and then there's a shift in focus and you may need somebody else to take over at that point. it happens on both sides,
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democrats and republicans. >> so you've done this. you were running. and donald trump had some strong comments about you and for all the candidates. he was saying some pretty out there things. his comments about the orlando tragedy, saying people should have had weapons, attacking a federal judge, all of this leaving republicans to question whether he has the temperament to be president and whether they can support him. do you think that it's time for him to shift folk from us attack dog to a more traditional presidential candidate? >> well, i certainly think it would be helpful to focus on the actual issues and not get caught up in the quagmire of personality. and this is something, you know, for all of us because we're talking about our nation. we're talking about america. and, you know, i think the media
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themselves should be interested. and what are the underlying issues? and what are the differences between this party and this party? i think that would serve the american people very well. you know, the personality thing, you know, you can just get caught up in those weeds and make no progress at all. >> you think he got caught in the weeds a little bit? >> i think we all get caught up in those weeds and deviate into things that are not important. >> because those were his own words, as you know. and i think maybe it was the people around him and maybe paul manafort realizes that, you know, you need to focus on the issues, which his children have said that he needs to do. have you ever given him that advice that he needs to focus on the issues rather than getting caught up in these things? >> i give everybody that advice. >> you do. >> you may have noticed when i was running, i tried to do exactly that, i tried to focus on the issues. particularly in the debates, nobody was interested in the issues. they wanted to see wwe raw.
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but if we can, because the issues are so grave that face us as a nation right now, you don't hear anything talking about the fiscal gap and these unfunded liabilities and yet those threaten to detroit the financial foundation for our future. >> but do you give him that advice? do you tell him, listen, focus on the fiscal gap. what does he say to you when you say that? >> he does try to focus on it and he's getting better at not getting pulled into the weeds. >> so let's talk about money. this is according to what we show, that you have $1.7 million on hand, he has $1.2 million on hand. your campaign, which is suspended, has more money on hand. should that be a concern for them? >> i think there is a process in place right now that's going to rectify that situation. >> you heard dana bash saying
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donors were concerned about the rhetoric and the campaign being disorganized. >> the main thing the donors have been confused about is where to donate. it has been very unclear and there have been a lot of different bandwagons on which to jump and it hasn't necessary been clarified by the campaign, which is the one that they most favor. >> do you think that -- i think in the primary it was a talking point for him to say i'm self-funding, i'm self-funding, i don't need to raise money. do you think that hurt him? if you don't need money, there's no need for me to donate in you're self-funding. >> i think that needs to be clarified. there's a big difference between the primary stage and the general election. and that needs to be clarified for the public. >> he would bring his own polling sheets to the debates, to interviews with me. now it's showing in national polls he's behind hillary clinton at least seven points and there are polls saying the gap is even wider.
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do you think the controversial statements are catching up with him and, you know, maybe the campaign being a bit disorganized or the lack of a better term, not evolving when it should? >> i think what you will see happen is a pivot to being able to explain the difference between the secular progressive view and a traditional american view. if that distinction can be made in a way that the average american can understand it, i think you'll see that gap close very quickly. >> where he can keep the people he brought in by being a non-traditional candidate and then pull the people in who want him to be a more traditional candidate. that's a tough road to hoe as they say. >> they're not democrat or republican issues, they're american issues. >> let's get on the issue of guns because we had a horrible tragedy last week in orlando. on guns, wayne lapierre said i
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don't think you should have firearms where people are drinking. trump then backtracked and here's what he tweeted. he said, "when i said that if within the orlando club, you had some people with guns, i was obviously talking about additional guards or employees. >> why is the second amendment there? and a lot of people don't know the reason that it's there. because i hear people saying you don't need this kind of weapon to hunt deers. it's not about deer hunting. the second amendment is about the people's right and ability to protect themselves. >> it's also about a militia as well. >> it's about being able to help in case of a foreign invasion, being able to help our forces but also being able to defend
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themselves against an over lily aggressive government. >> but there's not going to be an invasion where people with semi-assault weapons are going to save the government? >> when it was put in place, the government had muskets and the people had muskets. there was equivalency. >> but now the government has nuclear weapons. citizens shouldn't have nuclear weapons as well. >> well, i think we're talking about things that a person can carry on their person. >> yeah, but i'm just saying that i don't think that our forefathers, in my estimation, thought far enough head to have that kind of fire power to kill multiple people. i took the train back from the beach today, the long island railroad and i kept thinking what if someone is on here with that. i just kept looking around and i didn't know what to think about it. >> but there was no one there. >> there was no one there but it's in the back of your head.
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>> you if there had been someone there, wouldn't you have felt better if you had a weapon on you? >> not really. >> or someone else who had one? >> not an average citizens. a law enforcement person. >> i would take an average citizens again somebody with guns. >> all right. we'll agree to disagree on that one. >> tomorrow what's going on? >> tomorrow we're having something that's bringing in hundreds of evangelical leaders to ask questions and to express their opinions about what's important, and mr. trump will have the the opportunity to do the same so they get to know each other, rather than having things filtered among other parties. >> is the support waning? >> no, the support seems to be
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building. this started out, we were going to have about 300 evangelical leaders. the leads are just kept coming and coming and coming and it's up to 800, 900 now and we probably could have taken it much further than that. >> we were talking about the tragedy last week. he has made supportive comments about the lgbt community saying he would be best for the lgbt communities. do you think that's going to hurt him among evangelicals? >> i don't think so. >> you don't think it will hurt him? >> no, because evangelicals for the most part believe in the rights of everybody, believe that the constitution protects the right of everybody. they just don't believe that it gives extra rights for some people to redefine things for everybody else. >> but they don't believe in same-sex marriage, which would be equal rights for everyone under the constitution. >> well, they believe in what the bible says. >> but that's not the constitution. >> well, again, the constitution does not make provisions for
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same-sex marriage. that has been something that has been done extra constitutionally. >> but there is a separation of church and state. another issue on which we'll agree to disagree. >> all right. >> it's always good to see you. >> thank you. >> is it too little too late as trump slumps in the polls lately. we'll be right back. that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin.
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campaign manager corey lewandowski joins a long list of people fired by donald trump. but what does the shake-up really mean for the trump campaign? here to discuss two veteran republican campaigners. i guess we can call them that. >> does veteran mean we're old? i never know what that means. >> you're much younger than kevin. joining me is republican strategist kevin madden and john brayburn. kevin, i'm going to start with you. good evening to you, by the way. corey lewandowski says he doesn't know why he was fired. do you buy that? >> no. i think if anything this is a -- the firing today was a reflection of a campaign that is in chaos.
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a campaign manager is responsible for many things inside a campaign, fund-raising, messaging, candidate discipline, organization, and all of those metrics right now are lacking. so the trump campaign made a decision to take care of somebody who is at the top. but that also -- campaigns are also -- every campaign is a reflection of the principal. so while you're firing corey lewandowski, one of the main problems with the trump campaign right now is the candidate himself. donald trump you can't get rid of right now, unless the folks at the convention in cleveland tried to make a play for delegates. >> before i get to john, kevin, i want to ask you because you and i are on this program a lot, you're on the program in new york with me a lot and sometimes in d.c. with you as well. do you think we're going to see a change in the people come on
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to represent donald trump? because the talking points i hear from donald trump's people, sometimes they obfuscate a lot. do you think that's going to be the case? >> every time the campaign goes through the rough patch, you hear the campaign plea they're going -- that donald trump is going to get more disciplined and we never see that materialize. we have one distraction after another, new stories of campaign infighting continues to distract both the candidate and the republican operation from getting its message out. so i remain skeptical. >> john braybender, let's go
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behind the scenes now. you saw corey lewandowski a few weeks ago. you went to check out the campaign headquarters. how would you describe it and him? >> it's unlike any campaign i've seen running for president. it was a room with a bunch of 22-year-olds and corey. that's how the campaign was set up, not as a campaign but as a pr campaign. you can win the presidential nomination for president that way. the problem is you wake up one day and find out you're not well suited to win the general campaign. put yourself in corey's position. he's a campaign manager who is not expected to win, probably blow up in the republican nomination, actually gets it and then he gets fired. so that just adds to sort of the drama of the trump campaign. i feel a little bit for corey
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but i do think it was necessary. >> okay. you said you think it was necessary but there are people who thought it was necessary a couple months ago when the whole controversy with michelle fields from breitbart, they said he would have been gone long ago. >> let's be fair. you're naming one incident with corey. we could sit here and name 10 or 11 with donald trump with things that he said. they've got to get control of their messenger if they're going to get control of the message. so that starts with donald trump. second of all, they don't have the organization that you need to win a presidential race. in key states they don't have state directors yet. in some sense, though, i'm actually pretty jealous of paul manafort. there still is the possibility to win. he gets to be the lee iacocca of chrysler of coming in and changing things but it's only
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going to work it donald trump let's him do that. >> and campaign managers can't constantly be in the news. that was the whole thing with the michelle fields incident. the campaign manager was constantly in the spotlight. ken melman who ran the last successful campaign, never in the spotlight like that, david plouffe, never in the spot like that. people couldn't spot j jim mussina, if he was walking down the street. that was a good thing. >> and for those watching with lee -- >> you know sometimes advisers are within the family fold,
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correct? >> that's right. but there also has to be a clear understanding about command and control decisions made in many campaign. spouses, sons and daughters of the candidate having a vehicle, having a way to weigh in to the candidate, that is absolutely okay and is in many ways encouraged but there has to be a clear structure within the campaign where the campaign manager is making decisions about fund-raising, about personnel, about travel. when those two worlds intersect, or collide i should say, that's where you see the battle. when they become publicly reported and they become distractions as far as daily drip, drip of news stories, that's what happens to campaigns. >> have i to run. i appreciate you both coming on.
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this is going to be a rowdy bunch. the republican convention less thanman away. can the trump campaign get its mojo back? let discuss with republican consultant margaret hoover, cnn politics executive editor mark preston and political commentator mark lamont hill. the question is can they pick up ground? you said it's over? >> i think this campaign has been really dictated by very big moments and this was a very big moment today in the trump campaign. there's a power struggle going on that has now been dissipated but i do think that within the next two or three weeks it's really going to be a turning point for the trump campaign. they have to build an infrastructure, have to get bodies on the ground, have to raise money. only $1.3 million in the bank. it is critical if they're not able to pull it together in the next two, three weeks, it's indicative of where the campaign
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is. >> this is a pivotal point, margaret. it comes from the candidate himself you think mostly i'm sure but do you think this firing of corey lewandowski is a turning point and will help the campaign? >> it has to be. clearly that's what it was intended to do. i agree with mark. i worked on two presidential effort. by this way four weeks, five weeks out for the convention, you don't have your operations in place, i mean, the trump campaign and rnc raised $13 million in may. it's the least amount of money that has ever been raised since recorded history online. if you look it up, it's abysmally little. i know trump thinks he doesn't need it, maybe he'll just write the check. it's all the down ballot races. how do people pay to put people on the ground to help kelly ayotte in new hampshire, to help ron kelly in wisconsin.
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he's the presumptive nominee, if he wants to get elected, which, by the way, is looking like a stretch without a infrastructure. >> corey lewandowski was running a primary campaign on this oversized personality that won the primary. we're in a general election right now. it doesn't work that way. it doesn't. >> the clinton campaign has been saying he's unfit for office, he's unfit for office. they're trying to define him before he can define her. is that successful? >> i think they're framing him as someone who doesn't have the temperament for office. at the same time, his very words affirm the temperament argument. he reinforces the idea he's not able to be a commander in chief that would be stable. >> it's not just the clinton
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campaign. it's vice president joe biden, it's hillary clinton, it elizabeth warren. it's the entire left wing in this country. >> and the right, for that matter. >> let me put up this poll before you. this is a new monmouth poll i've been showing, hillary clinton leading by 7 points and other polls show her gap is widening. does this add fuel to the fire, this dump trump movement heading into the primary? >> no. i have to respectfully disagree. the campaign is not dysfunctional. we have 14 million votes. we have set a record. it's a tsunami. >> bruce, hang on.
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it sounds like -- >> i speak for myself, don. >> i know but -- >> $13 million, that's an infinitesimal amount for a presidential campaign. >> at this point in the campaign, mitt romney was raising $1 million a day. >> mitt who? >> right. >> the guy who ran twice that won't support the nominee because he lost. that guy? >> let him finish. >> can i ask him a question? why have you raised some little money then? >> what do you mean? >> he's raised $13 million. that's a very small amount of money. >> he has $1.3 million on hand. >> first of all, we're just getting started, okay. at the end of the day, we fought 17 candidates, we fought governors, beat very good candidates. dr. ben was here, guys. >> great guy. >> we had to fight the media, we
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had to fight -- >> we beat george pataki. >> you only had two people in the race. the question is why have you raised so little money and you haven't answered and that's fine. why are people who ran for office and won like the bushes not endorsing him. there are people who didn't lose their race -- >> donald trump is not an established politician, guys, and that's going to come together. at the end of the day just like when we talked about the convention when they come -- first of all, if you're a republican and you say you don't want to support donald trump, you need to get out of the party. because if you sign up for, it you need to stay with it. you know -- >> all right, here we go, here we go. >> hold on, mark. this is between the republicans. so go ahead. how do you feel about that? >> the challenge is you're talking about mitt romney and saying who? donald trump has to win every
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vote mitt romney won plus more. if you save get out of the party in you're a republican, there's no way you can win. >> when you sign up as a republican -- >> oh, you're talking about the convention and that? >> exactly. >> that's a different issue. the question is why has he not inspired the base enough that even people who ran for office and won, such as the president -- >> back to my original question that you sound like a talking point. quite honestly if you don't believe he must run a traditional campaign at this point or the least the campaign -- >> traditional raising money, traditional power brokers endorse you. >> you have to stay in the race, otherwise he's not in the race. it's over. >> all i know is we're number one and we're going to be number one -- >> number one compared to what? not compared to national polls. hillary clinton's winning.
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mark preston, margaret hoover and marc hill lamont. >> let's talk about the dump trump movement. trump says it will be illegal to change the delegation rules. politifact rates that as mostly false. what are the chances of that happening? >> it won't happen. this is why, don. at the end of the day there were a lot of cruz supporters, kasich supporters, and it's emotional. i know for a fact when we get to cleveland, these folks will come around. i really, really believe that. >> do you ythink that they will margaret hoover? >> i love your optimism -- >> they are because if they don't, you are voting for
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hillary. >> i think there are a lot of republicans who think the interest of the party -- the longevity of the party is longer than one election cycle. but i will say to your point, i actually think you're right on this. i think there certainly are delegates who still want to mount a challenge. a lot of them are cruz delegates who want to get their piece in place for 2020. while they may force a floor fight and try to embarrass the nominee, these are the things we should look out for, i don't believe there's going to be a real challenge because there's nobody to run. there's nobody who is going to take the mantle. >> nobody has said they're willing to step up and take him on. >> but we've already been through the process, guys. >> no, no, no. it's called a primary. >> we're helping you make your point now. >> i'm not used to the discussion. come on! >> you're a donald trump guy.
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>> take a breath and let it happen. i got my vest on. >> you are wrong in the sense that there are people that are not going to be supportive of him and they are going to try to take him out. but the fact of the matter is that's not going to happen. and there's a lot of reasons. i've been saying this for months. cleveland will burn. >> easy, guys. easy. >> that would happen if they tried to take out the republican nominee. >> i hate to use that word burn. >> it's true, though. it will hurt the party. >> listen to lindsay graham today. here's what he said. >> the next president, he's or she, likely she, needs to get these defense cuts set aside. >> so she. margaret said there are people in the republican party who think that it's bigger than just one election cycle, and they are resigned to the fact that they'd rather have hillary clinton
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maybe in the white house for four years. they'd like to get her out after four rather than have donald trump. >> real republicans don't. other wanna-be or -- >> i love you. >> i signed up for the republican party, i stand by the republican party. it could be cruz, i'd be sit hearing for cruz. >> you're saying if a candidate merged and whose values contradicted yourself, you'd vote for them any way just because they're republican. >> if i'm with you, i'm with you to the end. >> no matter what they believe? >> yes, he's telling you that. >> marc, did you not see all the people who came here who -- >> that's so bizarre. >> first of all, what has the american people said? they have spoken. we have spoken. they have chose this nominee. what is all this other wheeling
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and dealing? >> one at a time. >> go ahead. >> a plurality of republican primary voters have spoken for donald trump. 25% of registered republicans, a plurality of them have spoken. >> not a majority. >> it's not a majority. it's less primary votes than hillary clinton has received and it is, frankly, a really weak, weak front-runner, who is still having to fend off challenges from a party base that is incredibly unconfident and candidate raise money and -- >> don, this represents -- this represents the delusion of the trump campaign. rather than saying we're in crisis, we don't have any money, we don't have support of our base, we don't have -- just let me finish. >> there is no crisis, mark. where are you getting that? the "national enquirer?" >> you have more money than
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donald trump has right now. >> they did acknowledge it because they fired their campaign manager and tried to get around some of their surrogates. >> you didn't get that memo. >> and we're done. i got to get to the top of the hou hour. i have to start on time before i get in trouble. >> we'll see you all soon. the senate tonight fails to pass four new gun control measures, but would any of them have saved lives in orlando? what can we do to protect ourselves? and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ which saves money.owners insurance a smarter way, they offer a diy home inspection, which you do yourself,
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